A kitten peeks through the daisies watching birds, flowers and life in full bloom. A hummingbird samples nectar of the morning glory; a bluebird perches among the leaves of the tree shading her birdhouse. Ladybugs share a purple coneflower with a gossamer-winged dragonfly.
This collection celebrates Summer with its profusion of color, birds, flowers, a kitten and other critters. The versatile daisies and a playful "he loves me, he loves me not" are perfect for redwork or bluework and garment design elements. The elegant daisies (in a flowerpot, appliqued or stitched) are also perfect for a corner or border design. Intricate designs, with Joyce's incredible attention to detail, share the daisy theme and enable you to tap into your own special creative talents. Special techniques include applique, 3-D fringe, and Puffy Foam designs.
